Case Study – City of Edmonton, Alberta

How the City of Edmonton improved traffic counting, analytics, and queue mitigation at their Waste Management Center and four Eco-Stations

The City of Edmonton, Alberta

Edmonton is the capital city of the Canadian province of Alberta. As of 2021, Edmonton had a city population of approx. 1,1 million and a metropolitan population of 1,4 million, making it the fifth-largest city in Canada.

Next to the Edmonton Waste Management Center you can find four Eco-stations. The Proalytics system is installed at all four Eco-stations in May 2021. In total 14 Proalytics Smarthosts were installed and operational without interruption since then.

The Solution

The Proalytics Dashboard solution provides the City of Edmonton real-time visibility of dwell-times and traffic-count next to average dwell-times and traffic in their four Eco-stations. Managing spontaneous attendance is an important differentiator for a municipality. Citizens now know what the best time is to come to an eco-station and can divert to other Eco-stations with reduced dwell-times.

The Proalytics Smarthost detects smart devices with its directional antenna, anonymizes the raw data and sends the anonymized data to the Proalytics Cloud  servers through 4G. The Proalytics Smarthosts are plug-and-play, remotely configured and even contain a heating device for the harsh winter climate of Edmonton.

Proalytics does not require any kind of software or app to be installed on a resident’s phone or at the Eco-stations and is completely GDPR / PIPEDA / AVG compliant. Edmonton has complete data-ownership and can access all anonymized data and consolidated data through the Proalytics REST API.

Proalytics Smarthost

Ambelside Eco-Station layout

Each of the four Eco-Stations were visited by Proalytics engineers where routing and the best spots for placing the Proalytics Smart hosts were determined. A local installation company installed the Proalytics Smarthosts and tuned the directional detection devices. 

Proalytics Dashboard
Proalytics Dashboard

Proalytics Management Dashboard

After the Proalytics Smarthosts were installed, they were remotely configured by Proalytics to communicate with the Proalytics Cloud servers. After a learning period of two weeks and fine-tuning various settings, live data was gathered and matched against real, visual, data at the Eco-station to make sure the data is reliable.

Information for Citizens

The Proalytics Website widget was installed at the website of the City Edmonton where citizens now can see dwell-times and average waiting lines of all Eco-stations of Edmonton. Live date for customers can also be found through a direct URL

Proalytics Website Widget


By choosing Proalytics, the City of Edmonton received the following deliverables:

Consolidated Information

The waste management receives consolidated information of traffic through the Proalytics Dashboard which helps making data driven decisions to improve operations and reduce costs

Improved management practices

Improved management practices and personal employability

Real Time

Realtime visitor count per Eco-station and per Proalytics Smarthost

Reduced Waiting Lines

Reduced and visible waiting lines at Eco-Stations


Spread of Traffic

Better spread of traffic between the various Eco-stations

Structuring and Routing

Better structuring and routing of traffic inside the Eco-stations

Website Traffic

Increased website traffic of the Eco-stations

Reduced Covid Contamination Risk

Reduced Covid contamination risk due to better spreading traffic in regard of time of day and chosen Eco-station


The City of Edmonton is very satisfied with the provided solution by Proalytics and has extended their contract with Proalytics. Several of their wishes will be implemented in Proalytics shortly. We thank the City of Edmonton for their trust in Proalytics!

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